Hospital de Loulé

Karolina Aguiar

2010-2011 Internal Medicine of the Common Year – Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Lisboa

2011-2017 Complementary Internship in Internal Medicine at Hospital Prof Dr Fernando Fonseca, Amadora, Independent Internal Medicine and Thyroid Pathology Consultation

2018- to present Internal Medicine Service, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve

2018- to present External Emergency, Pivô, Local Health Unit - Hospital de Faro

2018- to present Thyroid Pathology Consultation, Algarve Local Health Unit – Hospital de Faro Fine needle aspiration cytology FNAC

2018 – training in Thyroid ultrasound, Eco-guided thyroid puncture and minimally invasive techniques from “International School of Thyroid ultrasonography and Ultrasound-assisted procedures 2018” at Hospital Regina Apostolorum Albano Laziale, Castel Gandolfo, Italy

2018- to present Reporting Doctor, Medical Board of Caixa Geral de Aposentações

2019- to present Member of Eastern Team, Teladoc – Second Medical Opinion

2022- to present Hospital de Loulé: Internal Medicine Internship, Medical Consultancy; External consultation of Thyroid Pathology and Internal Medicine

2023 – to present – ​​Member of the Rare Diseases Center, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve

2023 – to present Collaborating professor at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Faculty of Medicine, Universidade do Algarve


  • Internal medicine

differentiation areas

  • Patologia tiroideia


  • Portuguese
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Polish

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